Plone SysAdmin
Single Sign On, Windows Server and Plone: A step by step approach
Terry Gilliam Room
Talk details
From zero knowledge to a working environment, lessons learned and a step by step approach to make Plone authenticate Active Directory users.
At the end of this talk you will be able to:
- Authenticate Active Directory users in Plone
- Configure SPNEGO (netsight.windowsauthplugin) PAS plugin
- Setup distinct plugins for authentication and user properties
Speaker details
Cleber J Santos
Programador profissional desde 2001, auto-didata e militante de Software Livre desde os primórdios da Internet quando começou a dar aulas nos centros de informática público, os chamados Telecentros. Apaixonado por informática e linguagens antigas como Pascal, Cobol e Assembly. Atualmente atuando com administração de sistemas e trabalha na Simples Consultoria desde 2009. Membro da Associação Python Brasil e integrante de diversas comunidades de software livre.
Programador profissional desde 2001, auto-didata e militante de Software Livre desde os primórdios da Internet quando começou a dar aulas nos centros de informática público, os chamados Telecentros. Apaixonado por informática e linguagens antigas como Pascal, Cobol e Assembly. Atualmente atuando com administração de sistemas e trabalha na Simples Consultoria desde 2009. Membro da Associação Python Brasil e integrante de diversas comunidades de software livre.
Érico Andrei
After some time evagelizing for the Dark Side™, Érico Andrei discovered Python and improved his karma. Over the last 8 years he is working with the Brazilian Python community, hosted 2 Plone Symposiums and in 2011 he was PythonBrasil (local Pycon) chair. Érico is a member of the Plone Foundation, being elected a board member for the 2012-2013 period. Also, on the side, he co-founded Simples Consultoria, a Brazilian consulting company specialized on content and knowledge management.
After some time evagelizing for the Dark Side™, Érico Andrei discovered Python and improved his karma. Over the last 8 years he is working with the Brazilian Python community, hosted 2 Plone Symposiums and in 2011 he was PythonBrasil (local Pycon) chair. Érico is a member of the Plone Foundation, being elected a board member for the 2012-2013 period. Also, on the side, he co-founded Simples Consultoria, a Brazilian consulting company specialized on content and knowledge management.