Plone as a tool to build up e-goverment platforms: a successful story from Italian local authorities
Talk details
In this talk I'll show how Plone-Plomino has been successfully applied to the development of a complete and integrated e-services platform in Italy. Covering many services, including transport, new business creation, tourism, environment and many others, IstanzeOnline is an e-goverment platform that includes advanced geo-referencing and gis-analysing tools. IstanzeOnline has already been presented to the PloneGov Italian community generating very positive feedback and much interest.
Plone is used widely as CMS by governments round the world, meeting most of their requirements, especially in terms of accessibility. In the presentation I'll focus on how Plone-Plomino can become an extraordinarily powerful e-governemnt application builder. Offering in the same platform both user and administrator interfaces, IstanzeOnline works as a complete suite of components, easy to use for citizens and suitable to support public authorities in coping with the digitalising of services and procedures.
The Plone-Plomino based e-services platform has been built up with the technical support of Makina Corpus, the software company who develop and mantain the Plomino code.
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Speaker details

Roberto has been devoloping software for the Italian Public sector for the last 19 years. He has been giving lectures both at University (Genova, Trieste and Venezia IUAV) and at professional training courses. His background is in maths and after a few years spent working as a freelance programmer, Roberto founded GisWeb, an Italian software company aimed at offer the best Open Source Web applications for the management of e-services, integrating geographical information. He works in a variety of programming languages, including Python and Pearl, and has great expertise in DB design (PostgreSQL, Oracle MS Access, SQL Server). His professional specialities include: Plomino-Plone, MapServer, Openlayers, Google Map API, Javascript, Visual Basic, GIS. He is the responsible of the Open Source GisClient project development. Roberto is also the main developer of IstanzeOnLine, the E-goverment Plone-Plomino based platform that has genereted much interest and very positive feedback in the Italian PloneGov Community.