How Plone changed my life and yours too
Talk details
This talk is about Plone the community. This is a dive into what somebody could describe as "an organic mash up of small consulting shops having beer with public sector IT departments". It's a suitable for persons who are interested in Plone, open source communities and want to have some perspective to this Plone thing. This talk could be especially interesting if you have seen only the grey, uninteresting, cubicle side of the IT industry.
After the talk you have learnt
- The beauty of the beast of Plone
- Why Plone community is so awesome? The psyche of the community.
- What makes the creators of Plones to tick.
- How a lonely Finn become a help channel superstar, travelled to wedding in Thailand and got all his money stolen in Brazil while doing Plone.
- Where is the beer?
This talk is totally free of technical details and doesn't make you a better person. In fact, it can make you less good person in many ways. Also if you have dire need of a nap please feel free to use the backseats of the auditorium.
Speaker details

Mikko Ohtamaa has been building Plone/Python websites since 2004 and had his own Plone consulting shop for many years. He is in Python Finland board member and currently working with exciting revolutions in contemporary financial sector