plone.api: plone development best practices revealed
Talk details
The plone.api is an elegant and simple API, built for humans wishing to develop with Plone. It comes with cookbook-like documentation with step-by-step instructions for doing common development tasks in Plone. Recipes try to assume the user does not have extensive knowledge about Plone internals. The talk will be about the philosophy and rationale behind it, what it offers and how to use it.
Since recently plone.api's code conventions and style guide have been adopted by the Framework Team as the Plone Core conventions. We'll go through these recommendations and discuss why they are there and why you should start using them in your own code also.
Finally, we'll walk through some bits and pieces of plone.api's internal code, to give you the idea of how modern Plone code should be organized and formatted, as an example of coding conventions mentioned above.
Speaker details

Nejc is a Plone consultant based in Slovenia. He has been teaching Plone to fellow students in his part of Europe since 2005 and has co-organized a number of sprints and events. While still a student, he started and still runs a Python consultancy firm NiteoWeb Ltd., which has been doing Plone and Pyramid development and consulting for over 6 years now.