Who let the robot out? Building high quality software with Continuous Integration
Talk details
Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a team integrate their work frequently into a code repository. Each integration is verified by an automated build process that includes different kinds of tests and code quality measurements to detect errors and code quality violations as quickly as possible.
This talk will introduce the principles of Continous Integration and show how to set up a Python/Plone project with a CI-Server as a central component of the development process. Learn about the secrets and lessons learned by running jenkins.plone.org, including:
- Setting up a Continous Integration Server with Travis-CI or Jenkins
- Running tests and code quality measurements on each integration
- Use Jenkins to build documentation, notify the developers, make releases and deploy your software
- Write and run functional acceptance tests based on Robot Framework
Speaker details
Timo Stollenwerk is a Plone core developer and responsible for the Plone Testing team.