Web Development
V de Vinagre: A história por trás da história do momento que mudou o Brasil
Terry Jones Room
Talk details
Como o Plone ajudou a mudar a história do Brasil servindo de ferramenta de trabalho para para veículos de mídia que participaram ativamente da cobertura dos protestos deste ano.
Speaker details

After some time evagelizing for the Dark Side™, Érico Andrei discovered Python and improved his karma. Over the last 8 years he is working with the Brazilian Python community, hosted 2 Plone Symposiums and in 2011 he was PythonBrasil (local Pycon) chair. Érico is a member of the Plone Foundation, being elected a board member for the 2012-2013 period. Also, on the side, he co-founded Simples Consultoria, a Brazilian consulting company specialized on content and knowledge management.

Co-founder of Simples Consultoria, a Brazilian consulting company specialized on content and knowledge management, is responsible for the creative work and managing projects. Expert in the use of CMS, design, usability, accessibility and web standards. Organizer and speaker for various events related to the Plone Content Management and Enterprise Portals.