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Training Sessions

Time to learn JavaScript

Training details

Language: English
Level: Basic

This talk is meant for Plone newbies and as well as for Plone veterans which were ignoring JavaScript for all this time. To participate in this training you don't need to know python, zc.buildout or any other Plone specific technology. You don't even need python on your system to join this training. All you need to know is a little bit of JavaScript, just so you're comfortable at writing it.

JavaScript, as any other language, can be abused. In this training we'll learn how to write JavaScript that can be tested, documented, extended and integrated into Plone.

Hope to see new and old faces, because lets face it: there is no future for Plone without (proper) JavaScript.


Each student should have Freebsd, Linux or Mac OSX operating system on their laptop. (no Windows)

Speaker details

Rok GarbasRok Garbas
I do web stuff. Usually with Plone, but on the end is all just HTML.


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